The Julia-language scripts in this directory were written for analysis of MODIS-derived chlorophyll data for the manuscript under review at Ocean Science Discussions.
Within some of the scripts, you may find "README" notes which explain the logic or provide basic documentation.
chl1.jl: Gaining familiarity with the datasets, and plotting Figure 2, the Lomb-Scargle periodogram.
chl2.jl: Experiments with spatially-coupled harmonic analysis. Not used in the final manuscript.
chl3.jl: Initial experiments with harmonic analysis. Not used in the final manuscript.
chl3p.jl: Parallelized harmonic analysis, used to generate the results in the manuscript.
chl3x.jl: Parallelized harmonic analysis, using the gap-free time series of NCEP winds, combined with gaps from the MODIS Chl-a data. This script was used to generate the data for Figures A2 and A3.
chl3y.jl: Generate the data for Figure A1b.
chl3doy.jl: Generate the data for Figure A1a.
chlmask.jl: Plotting the results of Figure A1a and A1b.
chl3pdoy.jl: Harmonic analysis based on data within different monsoons, as defined by the day of year, for the reply to referees.
chl4.jl: Initial experiments plotting the results of the harmonic analysis. Not used in the final manuscript.
chl5.jl: Scripts for plotting harmonic constants, including the enlarged areas, Figures 1, 3, 4, and 5.
HAmod.jl: A simplified and more-portable version of my harmonic analysis software.
edzlib.jl: A simplified version of my julia library.
Please contact if you need help obtaining the MODIS data for using these scripts, or if you would like to use these scripts to reproduce any of the results in the manuscript. Certain paths in these scripts are hard-wired for execution at tako:Desktop/NASA-Tides/CHL, and the original OceanColour data files are located at tako:Pegasus/Data/L3MODISChlA.